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About Us

Based and focused in the Boston area, Securing Change is a team of experienced organizers and technologists who are actively involved in the social justice movement communities we seek to support. 

We look at improving security as a fluid, constantly adapting process that continues for the lifetime of our communities rather than a single event. Instead of acting as experts, we help communities and organizations expand their capacity to act on their own knowledge and expertise.

Our initiatives aim to strengthen the essential foundations upon which liberation work can move forward in the face of state violence, lack of individual support, and other systemic challenges.

To achieve our goals, we apply holistic security, an approach that emphasizes the interconnectedness of organizational, psychological, and physical well-being.


Securing Change began life in 2012 as an organization focused on helping non-profit organizations with their tech security needs. In recent years the environment in which movement work operates has become much more technologically connected, but also more reactionary and violent. As a result, we’ve shifted focus towards supporting communities in navigating the new challenges and opportunities of organizing. We do this through programming that centers community needs, knowledge, and leadership.